About Us
“People ask me, ‘You’re only 50 years old. How can you handle living with a terminal diagnosis like Stage 4 cancer?’ The answer is that I live by living, I love by loving, and I am courageous courageously.’”
— Julie Wrend, 2004
Our Story
Live By Living is inspired by, and dedicated to the memory of, Julie Wrend, who passed away in November 2007 at 53 after a nineteen-year battle with breast cancer. Julie never let her cancer define her. Rather, she used it as inspiration for spiritual and emotional growth.
Julie loved the outdoors. It was her church. Four months after being diagnosed with Stage IV cancer, she backpacked from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon to the Colorado River and back. (That’s, like, crazy hard!) Whenever she suffered a setback, she found solace and healing by hiking, skiing and going on hut trips to the Tenth Mountain Division cabins deep in Colorado’s mountains. One month before her death, she still found joy and peace hiking in the beauty of nature.

The spiritual, emotional and physical benefits that Julie drew from her wilderness adventures were her constant allies as she dealt with her cancer. Live By Living provides these same benefits through its transformative outdoor experiences for cancer survivors and caregivers.
We combine a physical challenge, the healing power of nature, and the camaraderie born of shared experience to help you regain your bearings, restore your vitality, and refresh your spirit.
“I so appreciate your organization. When I was diagnosed, I pulled the curtains down and locked the front door. And I only emerged when it was absolutely necessary.
This group has allowed me to be who I am, no eyebrows, no eyelashes, fuzzy thinking, thin hair, etc., without being embarrassed. I am grateful that I can be with people who understand.”